Heal & Awaken 

Sulina Ra - Awakener of the New Age 

Heal & Awaken

Sulina Ra - Awakener of the New Age  

Welcome to the Age of Aquarius, New Earth Awakening

Sulina Embodies as a Channel of Light and Love

Sulina is a light channel for the awakening of New Earth, she transmits light codes, frequencies, downloads, and channelled wisdom. These transmissions clear what no longer serves you and awakens the re-discovery of your true nature and spiritual gifts. 

Emanate from your higher self, gain connection to your star soul family and embody as a light being living in elevated frequencies.

For a life of freedom, flow and ongoing evolution for your greater good and the greater good of all. 

You already hold innate wisdom within your being to transcend from the past and reconnect to your truth, to live a life of creativity, purpose and therefore infinite possibilities. 

Initiate a re-remembering a re-calibration of your intuition, connections with your guides and spiritual gifts to be a beacon of light for New Earth Awakening.  

Now is the time to transcend from
Servitude to Empowerment
Isolation to Oneness
Fear to Love

one to one brighton healing sessions

One to One

Welcome to the most ancient and natural form of healing which has been alive since the dawn of time. You already hold dormant power, wisdom and abilities to live your best life possible in harmony with all - take the next step to claim your true path. This support and practical wisdom will transcend anything you have ever experienced, but will also feel familiar.


Experience group multidimensional healing, activation and awakenings, which clear limitations, activate your innate wisdom and support you to navigate life with your own compass and truth. These uniquely channelled events give clear information, clearing, balancing and the adjustments which are needed to re-connect to your heart, higher self and purpose 

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heal awaken brighton courses sussex


Learn the skills of channel writing, light language and other ways to invite in a beautiful life experience, divine connection and earthly flow. Awaken your inner and cosmic wisdom, so you no longer need to reach outside of yourself for answers as you already hold all you need.


These powerful resources created by Sulina and meditations will support your practice to improve your resonance and spiritual skills. Re-balance, energise, recalibrate, and attune to new states of being for calm, peace, tranquillity and joy.

downloadable recorded meditation resources

Awaken and embrace your uinique spirit

Let go of following the path of others and connect with your soul and soul tribe.

Awaken and embrace your unique spirit, path and purpose.

You are a being of light who chose to live in this time for a reason.

Sulina and her high-dimensional guides know exactly what is needed for you now, no matter where you are on your journey


What My Clients Say

"Working with Sulina was more than I could have expected, she helped work with my guides in a way no one else has. Through her they were able to identify a deep-seated issue.

Since our session, my life has shifted in many ways and I have been able to stroll through issues that would usually have presented as major triggers.

I feel like my very soul is back in alignment, for which I will be forever grateful."


I recently had the most incredible healing session with Sulina. I work with light language personally so am very familiar with this type of healing but this was so far beyond my expectations.

Sulina brought through such pure high-frequency energies and the channelled information was so clear and detailed. For me, this was truly life-changing.

I am still feeling the impact and fully intend to continue with future sessions. Sulina’s abilities are truly exceptional. I can’t recommend her highly enough🙏🏻🤩💖🌈✨


I wanted to thank you Sulina Ra 🙌 I attended a multi-dimensional healing session at the white rabbit a while back.

It was an overwhelming experience, one which required my quick exit at the end for deep breaths & fresh air. But my journey to wellness, my journey of understanding & my spiritual journey have all been given a huge “shove” in the needed direction.

I’m assuming blockages have been removed. I’m grateful beyond words & I’ll be in attendance again when the time is right ✨

Thank you for the most unusual but also extremely beneficial healing experience 🙌💜✨🫶💫


Suli is incredibly gifted at what she does. I had no expectations for the session.

The experience was powerful and grounding. I received clearing and healing for my heart, where I felt physical shift, leaving me feeling lighter softer and more expansive.

The guidance Suli channelled was deeply reassuring for my path and everything that occurred resonated with me. After the session I felt much more grounded and safe in my body. I also felt a stronger connection, to guides, as well as the inner most part of myself, and the universe.

I can really recommend Suli if you are seeking to connect to your path more deeply, or if you feel lost with your direction in life.


Get in touch

Experience group multidimensional healing, activation and awakenings, which clear limitations, activate your innate wisdom and supports you to navigate life with your own compass and truth.

I would love to hear from you, so click the button below to get in touch

Or call me on

07306 504321